Market Commentary:
The Addition Economy

2024 Market Commentary: The Addition Economy

Over the past few years, many people in the investing world have been talking about what is sometimes referred to as a transition economy. This is where a country or region looks to undergo a comprehensive shift from relying on traditional fossil fuel systems to more renewable forms of energy. The implications of a transition economy may also involve broader economic changes, including investments in new technologies, changing industrial / manufacturing practices, and broader regulatory and social adjustments.

Yet, we feel that what has unfolded over the past several years more closely resembles what we would call an addition economy. This is a scenario where, despite the increasing integration of renewable energy sources, overall energy demand has continued to rise, in part due to such factors as new technologies and changing consumer and industrial behaviors.

We feel that it is important for investors to have a meaningful dialogue about what this means for the market and how we translate it into our investments. To read more, fill out the form to download this report.

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